chet not like yepsen
chet not like yepsen.
Secretary of State Chet Culver looked nervous and hesitating. The rap on Culver is that he's not bright enough to be governor, and there was little in his performance to ease Democratic concerns he's just not ready to go toe-to-toe with the Republican candidate, Jim Nussle.yepsen mean.
chet update.
dailykos mean, too.
I was entirely unimpressed by Chet Culver. He seemed to have very few ideas during the debate, talking heavily about "electability" and "election-year conversions". He failed to make a strong stand on anything during the debate. It seems to me that his current popularity is based mostly on his and his father's name recognition, and that if he does not improve as a candidate his support will decrease as people begin to pay attention to the race.