chet have tattle-taler
chet have tattle-taler. they get myspace to delete chets page.
I wrote myspace and told them you created a false page. What you are doing is wrong. If you put up another page I will write them again. So stop it.chet build new one. click and be chets friend.
Ha! Get'em Chet. If myspace deletes that page, you've got grounds for more publicity than WHO could provide.
Hilarious. I support you, Chet!
This stupid site is one thing, creating a myspace page pretending to be Chet Culver is another. Which is why I once again informed the myspace web master what you have done. What a jack ass.
Poor Anon! Chettie's campaign must really be insecure, if you're so easily threatened.
Chet IS stupid. Everyone knows it, so what's your problem? It's the TRUTH!
Hmmmmm...can't handle the TRUTH?
Quit trying to play God and go beg for more big money for your campaign.
Hey, Mike, nice ad. I guess lying is your new past time. Sad. Sad old Mike Blouin.
I seem to remember the Culver campaign lying about professional lisencing and refusing to correct it when called out by actual professinals.
Poor Mike, caught in a lie. Just like his I'm pro-life, I mean pro-choice, I mean pro-life, no, darn it what do I stand for again?
If Mike Blouin is so proud of his attack ad on Chet Culver, why doesn't he have it on his web site? What does he have to hide? Unless it's not the truth.
Vote Fallon.
Hiding an ad? Right. You're fucking brilliant 5:29.
The biggest lie in this campaign is the notion Culver can take the November election. Nussle will mop the floor with this moron if given the chance.
Fallon. Ed Fallon. Any questions?
I wonder why Blouin had to go negative? Oh, I know, because he's losing to Culver and Fallon. Of course Blouin should be used to losing by now, that IS why he's no longer in Congress isn't it?
Vote Fallon. Ed Fallon. Any questions?
You know, I do a lot of driving and I’ve got to tell you; with only a few weeks to go before the primary, I see a few Blouin yard sings around Des Moines. I’ll be damned if I’ve EVER seen a Culver sign but one thing is for sure; everywhere I go from Davenport to Sioux City I’m guaranteed to see Fallon bumper stickers and yard signs. Ed is well organized and he’s the only Democrat that is on message. He may not have the money but always remember the words of President Harry S. Truman “Shoe leather will beat wallet leather any day.” And I’d wager Ed’s shoes are more worn than Mike or Chet’s.
And less expensive!
politics 101 for dummies: don't waste money on yard signs--use it for paid advertising
I, for one, am sick and tired of having Culver and Blouin and all their MONEY crammed down my throat! They are NOT the only game in town.
Money can't buy THIS Democrat's vote.
Indeed, there are Fallon bumper stickers AND yard signs everywhere I look. GREAT to see!
The so-called "bigwigs" in Iowa Democratic politics need to be knocked down a few notches and Ed Fallon and his grassroots are JUST the folks to do the job!
Doubting Thomas...
So, is it Fallon running this site?
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
Politics for Dummies 101: Yard signs are NOT a waste of money. In fact, for some races, especially primaries where grassroots support is the most important thing an argument can be made that yard signs are MORE important paid advertising. Why? Because they get neighbors to talk to neighbors about politics. Any jack ass can put an ad on TV but to the average voter, that doesn’t mean its believable but if your friend and neighbor has a sign in his lawn supporting candidate A and he gives candidate A a glowing endorsement, then that night you see an ad on TV about candidate B you are more likely to positively identify with candidate A when you vote because the conversation with your friend is much more personal and believable than a 30 second spot paid for with big campaign money.
The premises of this website is ingenious, Chet Culver IS stupid, if for no other reason, because his campaign has, and continues to ignore the vital importance of a strong grassroots network. Chet fails to comprehend the lesson taught by Thomas Dewey in 1948, Bonnie Campbell in 1994, Jim Lighfoot in 1998, and Doug Gross in 2002. Money alone can’t win an election. A candidate has to have a sole … so far as I’m concerned the only candidate in EITHER party who has one of those is Ed Fallon.
A 'sole'? Is that an Ed Fallon tennis shoe reference?
A vote for Culver is a vote for Bill Knapp and all the other money grubbing greed mongers in Iowa.
A vote for Mike Blouin is a waste of time.
A vote for Ed Fallon is a vote for the PEOPLE AND FUTURE OF IOWA.
If Ed Fallon loses to Nussle, which I doubt, then so be it.
I'd rather vote for Fallon and lose to Nussle than to vote for Culver or Blouin any day.
I have my pride. I want my voice. Ed Fallon is my voice.
I'm tired of having Culver, Blouin and Nussle crammed down my throat!
Um … yes, a reference to his shoes …. That’s exactly what I was talking about … (note to self; be sure to proof read all blog entries written while on the phone at work to avoid sounding stupid like Chet in the future)
I know Ed. He has class. I'm sure he would be very disappointed that his supporters are engaging in such mean spirited, petty back and forths. This isn't helping any of the candidates.
Is this guy really this fucking stupid? His people must know that a website and blog is dedicated to this. It must be tough being a Democrat.
I read Big Daddy Culver is working for George Soros. Will millions flow from a convicted insider trader through Big Daddy to Little Chetty? Will Little Chetty still be Governor in the new Soros sponsored one world government?
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